Iván Tosics’ New Year’s photo-essay, titled “GREEN GROWTH – DEGROWTH – COLLAPSE,” offers a thought-provoking exploration of climate change based on an early Autumn 2023 meeting, three Budapest intellectuals organized an informal weekend meeting for 30 people in a village, where they gathered in thatched roof secondary farmhouses. The focus of the ‘Vértesacsa conversation’ was climate change, addressing the challenges, prevailing policies, and possibilities for local and individual actions.
Through captivating imagery and insightful commentary, Tosics delves into the dichotomy between green growth and degrowth, prompting reflection on the urgent need for environmental sustainability in the face of potential collapse. His artistic exploration serves as a catalyst for dialogue and introspection among non-climate-expert intellectuals, inviting them to contemplate the multifaceted dimensions of the climate change issue.