In the podcast episode titled “Homelessness No More! How Do We Tackle the EU’s Housing Crisis?”, the urgent issue of homelessness across the European Union was addressed. Despite Europe’s relative wealth, the challenge of ensuring safe and decent housing for all citizens persisted, prompting crucial reflections on the EU’s core values of social justice, solidarity, and inclusivity. Key voices in the fight against homelessness, including Frederik Spinnewijn from FEANTSA, Nóra Teller from the Metropolitan Research Institute, and María del Carmen Barrera Chamorro from EESC, participated in the discussion. Frederik shed light on FEANTSA’s multifaceted approach, emphasizing mutual learning and innovative solutions like Housing First. Nóra provided valuable insights into the stark realities of homelessness in Europe, highlighting successful strategies from countries like Finland, Austria, and Denmark. María outlined the importance of collaborative efforts through platforms like the European Platform for Combating Homelessness and called for concrete actions at the EU level.