Nora Teller from MRI serves as a research manager in the development of a common European Union cross-sectional data collection methodology on homelessness. The project aims to (1) define a common operational definition of homelessness and a common methodology for data collection, and (2) test the common data collection methodology at the urban level in various member states. The project establishes the basis for regular and comparable local-level data collection on homelessness. Thanks to the project, local, national, and European decision-makers can gain insights into the nature and extent of homelessness, as well as the different dimensions of homelessness and the basic characteristics of homeless individuals. Furthermore, the project aims to draw attention to the complexity of homelessness for the general public and policymakers and contribute to consensus building on solutions.
For further details, please read here in Hungarian.
For more details in English, please visit the project website at KU Leuven.