1st October 2024, Iván Tosics – Urban Forum Zagreb
Critical presentation on integrated urban development practices at the Croatian Urban Forum in Zagreb The first Urban Forum meeting of Croatian cities took place in Zagreb on 1-2 October. The theme of the meeting was Productive, Green and Just Urban Development. The introductory keynote presentation was given by Iván Tosics, who illustrated with international examples how conflicting the objectives of the conference are. Concrete examples were given of how urban development, disguised under the label of “integrated urban development”, is mostly dominated by one-sided, growth-oriented ideas that run counter to the increasingly pressing requirements of sustainability and resilience.
The presentation is available here:
26th January 2024, Iván Tosics – Bologna, urban@it
Ivan Tosics gave the afternoon keynote presentation at the urban@it National Center for Urban Policy Studies conference on 26 January 2024, at the Enzo Biagi Auditorium in Bologna. The title of the presentation was: „The challenges of the post-pandemic recovery in EU: are cities crucial?”
The presentation and the following panel discussion is available at the link below: