The article was originally published at Iván Tosics’s website: https://tosics.eu/en/hogyan-lehet-jobba-tenni-a-varosokat-az-emberek-szamara/
Are you a local politician, decision-maker, or a city practitioner? Or a citizen who is interested in making your city a better place for people and shift from car dependency to sustainable urban mobility? The Walk’n’Roll Cities initiative of the URBACT Knowledge Hub has just published a practical and concise guidebook presenting innovations in urban mobility and public space development.
One of the key challenges many cities across Europe face is the physical separation of the different components of everyday life, leading to significant mobility demand. This demand is met to a large extent by car use: people drive cars in order to shorten the time needed for moving between different parts of the city – to work or to use various services. However, car-oriented local mobility has a wide range of adverse consequences, many of which negatively affect the quality of life already in the short run.
While most cities understand the problem, its likely consequences and are committed to implement a shift towards more sustainable urban mobility and public space use, this is easier said than done. That’s why 28 European cities of different sizes from 16 countries have come together to face today’s mobility challenges. Partners of the RiConnect, Space4People and Thriving Streets URBACT Action Planning Networks decided to establish a long term cooperation and created Walk’n’Roll Cities – a platform to exchange ideas, inspirations and learn from each other.
Together, these cities explored visions and interventions that could contribute to massive reduction of car use in our cities. And, thanks to the Knowledge Hub initiative of the URBACT programme, an online publication has also been created that presents these visions and interventions.
As someone who has been actively involved in the development of this publication, I am proud to inform you that the online Guidebook is now available for download on the URBACT website. It is an accessible, practical and concise resource for local politicians, decision-makers, professionals, city practitioners and citizens, who are interested in urban mobility and committed to make their city a better place for people.
Go ahead, download the document, take a ride with us and make the most of your journey!
Click here to access the dedicated URBACT Knowledge Hub Walk’n’Roll Cities page.
Or go ahead and download the publication.