Housing Urban Development Poverty and exclusion
Housing policy
Gerőházi É, Katona N and Kollár SG (2023) Mechanisms linking economic potential of European cities to housing inequalities of young people. Front. Sustain. Cities 5:1163984. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2023.1163984 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frsc.2023.1163984/full
Hegedüs, József és Székely Judit (2022): Lakásárak, jövedelemek és területi egyenlőtlenségek („Housing prices, incomes and territorial inequalities”) in: Kolosi Tamás – Szelényi Iván – Tóth István György (szerk. 2022): Társadalmi Riport 2022. Budapest: TÁRKI, 71-91
Drilling, M. – Dittmann, J. – Ondrusová, D. – Teller, N. – Mondelaers, N. (2020) Measuring Homelessness by City Counts – Experiences from European Cities. In: European Journal of Homelessness. Volume 14, No. 3. 2020
Hegedüs, József (2020) Introduction to the Special Issue: Varieties of Housing Regime Approaches. In: Critical Housing Analysis.Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-4
Hegedüs, József (2020) Understanding Housing Development in New European Member States – a Housing Regime Approach. In: Critical Housing Analysis. Volumen: 7, Issue 1, Pages: 49-62
Hegedüs, József, Vera Horváth (2018): Central and East European housing regimes in the light of private rental sector development, in Schmid, Christoph (ed.), Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Europe (Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK) pp. 39-66.
Hegedüs, József – Martin Lux – Vera Horváth (2018): Private Rental Housing in Transition Countries: An Alternative to Home Ownership? Palgrave-Macmillan, http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137507099 – Individual chapters (co)authored by MRI staff:
- Haffner, Marietta, József Hegedüs and Thomas Knorr-Siedow: Chapter 1, The Private Rental Sector in Western Europe, pp. 3-40
- Hegedüs József, Alexander Puzanov: Chapter 2: The Private Rental Sector Under Socialism, pp. 41-69
- Hegedüs, József, Vera Horváth and Nóra Tosics: Chapter 4: The Policy Environment of Private Renting After 1990, pp. 97-119
- Lux, Martin, Teller Nóra, Petr Sunega: Chapter 5: Poor and Vulnerable Households in Private Renting, pp.121-146
- Hegedüs, József and Vera Horváth: Chapter 10: Hungary: The Growing Role of a Hidden Sector, pp. 235-260
- Hegedüs, József, Vera Horváth and Eszter Somogyi: Chapter 15: Private Renting in Social Provision: Initiatives in Transition Countries, pp. 333-359
- Hegedüs, József, Vera Horváth and Martin Lux: Chapter 16: Central and East European Housing Regimes in the Light of Private Renting, pp. 387-411
Szemző, Hanna (2017): Caught between the public and the private: Urban cooperative solutions in Central Europe, in Patti and Polyák (eds.): Funding the Cooperative City: Community Finance and the Economy of Civic Spaces. Cooperative City Books, Vienna, 2017, pp. 28-36
Tosics, I. (2017): Dilemmas around Urban Growth and Density? A Focus on Vienna’s Aspern Seestadt. In: Batosta, A – Kovács, Sz, – Lesky, C (eds) Rethinking Density. Art, Culture and Urban Practices. Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna , Vol 20. Sternberg Press, Berlin
Tosics, I. (2017): ‘Hungary’, in M. Pareja and N. Winston (Eds) Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing: A Comparative European Perspective. London: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138911482.
Hegedüs, József, Eszter Somogyi (2016): Moving from an Authoritarian State System to an Authoritarian Market System: Housing Finance Milestones in Hungary between 1979 and 2014, in Jens Lunde and Christine Whitehead (eds.): Milestones in European Housing Finance. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp. 201-217.
Tosics, I, 2016: Integrated Territorial Investment – A Missed Opportunity? In: Bachtler, J – Berkowitz, P – Hardy, S – Muravska, T (eds) EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction. London: Routledge. pp 284-296
Tosics, I, 2015: The European Demographic Challenge – Cities with Alternative Destinies. In: Demography and climate change. Studien zum Klimawandel in Österreich. Band X. Joanneum Research Policies. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschften Wien. pp.141-150
Tosics, I, 2015: Integrated Regeneration Of Deprived Areas And The New Cohesion Policy Approach. An URBACT contribution to the European Urban Agenda. URBACT, August 2015 In
English: http://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/20150909_urbact_deprived-areas_gb_md_1.pdf In French: http://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/urbact_ii_fr_pm1.pdf
Tosics, I, 2015: Housing renewal in Hungary: from socialist non-renovation through individual market actions to area-based public intervention. In: Turkington, R – Watson, C (eds) Renewing Europe’s housing. Policy Press, Bristol-Chicago. pp.161-186 part 1 – part 2.
Teller, N. (2015): Local Governance, Socio-Spatial Development and Segregation in Post-Transition Hungary. In: Serbian Architectural Journal, Vol 7. Nr 3, pp. 285-298.
Hegedüs, J., Lux, M., Sunega, P. and Teller, N. (2014): Social Housing in Post-Socialist Countries, In: Scanlon,K., Whitehead, Ch., and Arrigoitia, M. F.: Social Housing in Europe, pp.239-253.
Hegedüs, J., V. Horváth and Nóra Tosics: Economic and legal conflicts between landlords and tenants in the Hungarian private rental sector. International Journal of Housing Policy, Vol. 14. No. 2, June 2014.
Kovács, Z – Tosics, I, 2014: Urban Sprawl On The Danube: The Impacts Of Suburbanization In Budapest. In: Stanilov, K – Sykora, L (eds) Confronting Suburbanisation, Urban Decentralization in Post-Socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Studies in Urban and Social Change, Wiley Blackwell Publishing, pp.33-64
Tosics, I, 2014: Functional urban areas around European cities. Paper prepared for the AESOP’2014 conference, Utrecht, June 2014
Fedeli, V – Tosics, I, 2014: Milan And Budapest: Metropolitan Policies For Integrated Development? Paper prepared for the EURA-UAA Conference, Paris, June 2014
Tosics, I, 2014: Art and the Regeneration of Deprived Public Spaces. In: Batista, Anamarija and Kovács, Szilvia and Lesky, Carina eds. Artistic Transformation Of The City Space. Stimulation of the sensual sphere
Nilsson, Kjell et al., Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development and Urban-Rural Linkages, Research briefings, March 2014, European Journal of Spatial Development.
Hegedüs, J. (2014): “Unorthodox” housing policy in Hungary – is there a way back to public housing? to be published in The Future of Public Housing: Trends in the East and the West (ed.: Jie Chen, Mark Stephens, Joyce Yanyun Man) Springer (Springer-Verlag GmbH, Germany) 2014
Hegedüs, J., Lux, M. és Teller, N. eds. 2013 „Social Housing in Transition Countries.” Routledge.
- József Hegedüs: The Transformation of the Social Housing Sector in Eastern Europe – a Conceptual Framework, in Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in Transition Countries, pp. 1-32 Routledge 2013.
- József Hegedüs: Housing privatization and restitution in post-socialist countries, in Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in Transition Countries, pp. 33-49 Routledge 2013.)
- Wolfgang Amann, József Hegedüs, Martin Lux, Elisabeth Springler: Financing Social Housing In Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in Transition Countries, pp. 50-64 Routledge 2013
- József Hegedüs – Nóra Teller: Social Landlords and Social Housing Management Introduction: Trends in Social Housing Management In Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in Transition Countries, pp. 81-97 Routledge 2013
- Jozsef Hegedus, Gorana Stjepanović, And Nora Teller: Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limits of the Human Rights Approach to Social Housing in Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in Transition Countries, pp. 117-127 Routledge 2013.
- József Hegedüs: Social housing in Hungary: Ideas and plans without political will in Hegedüs-Lux-Teller (eds.): Social Housing in in Transition Countries, pp. 180-194 Routledge 2013.)
Ekés, A – Gerőházi, É – Gertheis, A – Hegedüs, J –Tosics, I – Tönkő, A (2013) The state of the Western subregion’s cities. In: The state of European cities in transition 2013. Taking stock after 20 years of reform. UN Habitat, Nairobi – IRM, Krakow
Tosics, I. 2013. „From Socialism to Capitalism: The Social Outcomes of the Restructuring of Cities.” In: Carmon, N. és Fainstein, S. (eds.) Policy, Planning, and People. Promoting Justice in Urban Development. Univresity of Pennsylvania Press
Tosics, I. 2012. „Housing and the State in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.” In: J. Smith, S., Elsinga, M., Fox O’Mahony, L., Ong, S. E., Wachter, S. és Hamnett, C. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Vol 3. Oxford: Elsevier; 2012. pp. 355–362.
Toussaint, Janneke, Hanna Szemző, Marja Elsinga, Jozsef Hegedüs, and Nora Teller. 2012.. “Owner-occupation, Mortgages and Intergenerational Transfers: The Extreme Cases of Hungary and the Netherlands.” International Journal of Housing Policy 12, no. 1 (2012): 69-90.
Hegedüs J.,: Housing policy and the economic crisis – the case of Hungary in Housing Markets And The Global Financial Crisis: The Uneven Impact On Households edited by Ray Forrest and Ngai-Ming Yip Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 2011, p. 113-130
József Hegedüs, Martin Lux, and Petr Sunega, Decline and depression: the impact of the global economic crisis on housing markets in two post-socialist states, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 26 (June 11, 2011): 315-333.
Hegedüs, J.: Social Safety Nets, the Informal Economy and Housing Poverty – Experiences in Transitional Countries in: European Journal of Homelessness Volume 5, No. 1 August 2011, p 15-26
Hegedüs, J (2010).: Towards a New Housing System in Transitional Countries: The Case of Hungary, In Housing Market Challenges in Europe and the United States (edited by Philip Arestis, Peter Mooslechner and Karin Wagner) Palgrave Macmillan pp. 178-202
Hegedüs, J. and Szemző, H.: Shaping the new welfare regime in transition countries: the interplay of public policies and households’ strategies (case of Hungary) Conference: Comparative Housing Research – Approaches and Policy Challenges in a New International Era 24-25 March 2010 TU Delft, The Netherlands
Hegedüs, J., Eszenyi O., Teller N. (2010) Housing Needs in Hungary MRI
Hegedüs, J., Gerőházi, É. és Somogyi, E. 2010. „Study on housing exclusion: Welfare policies, housing provision and labor markets.” Country report for Hungary. Study commissioned in the framework of the PROGRESS Programme by the European Commission, May 2010.
Hegedüs, József: How does “path dependency” explain changes in the Eastern-European Housing Model (EEHM)? Talk given at 2009 European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR) Prague conference
Teller, N. 2009. „Vulnerable Groups and the Effects of Selected Local Government Service Delivery Policies in Three Hungarian Cities.” Pallai, K. ed. Who Decides? Development, Planning, Services, and Vulnerable Groups. Budapest: OSI/LGI.
Tosics, I. 2008. „Negotiating with the Commission: the debates on the ’housing element’ of the Structural Funds.” Urban Research and Practice 1(1): 93-100.
Hegedüs, József and Teller, Nóra (2007) Hungary: Escape into homeownership in: Homeownership beyond asset and security (edited: Elsinga, M., Decker, P. Teller, N and Toussaint, J.) Housing and Urban Policy Studies, 32. IOS Press (133-172 pp.)
Hegedüs, J. 2007. „Social Housing in Hungary.” Whitehead, C. and Scalon, K. eds. Social Housing in Europe pp. 105-118. London: LSE (London School of Economics).
Hegedüs, J. 2007. „Social Housing in Transition Countries.” Whitehead, C. and Scalon, K. eds. Social Housing in Europe. 165-178 London: LSE (London School of Economics).
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2007. „Homeownership and economic transition in Central and East European Countries: Hungary as a case study.” Horsewood, N. and Neuteboom, P. eds. Home Ownership: Limits to Growth. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2006. „Managing risks in the new housing regimes of the transition countries. The case of Hungary.” Doling, J. and Elsinga, M.G. eds. Home ownership. Getting in, getting from, getting out. Part II. Housing and Urban Policy Studies 30: 175-200. Delft: University Press.
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2007. „The privatization of the housing stock in Eastern Europe – the case of Hungary.” Horsewood, N. and Neuteboom, P. eds. Home Ownership: Limits to Growth. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Hegedüs, J. and Struyk, R. eds. 2006. Housing Finance: New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Budapest: LGI.
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2005. „Development of the housing allowance programmes in Hungary in the context of CEE transitional countries.” European Journal of Housing Policy 5(2): 187–209.
Hegedüs, J. and Struyk, R. 2005. „Divergences and Convergences in Restructuring Housing Finance in Transition Countries.” Hegedüs, J. and Struyk, R.J. eds. Housing Finance: New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan pp. 3-41. Budapest: OSI/LGI.
Hegedüs, J. – E. Somogy (2005): Evaluation of the Hungarian Mortgage Program 2000-2004, in Housing Finance: New and Old Models in Central Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan (edited by J. Hegedüs and R.J. Struyk) OSI/LGI, p 177-208
Hegedüs, J. 2005. „Die Zukunft des Mietwohnsektors in Osteuropa.” Ost-West-Gegeninformationen Jg. 17(1): 3-7.
Tosics, I. 2005. „Alternativen zur Massenprivatisierung von Wohnraum.” Ost-West-Gegeninformationen Jg. 17(1): 8-10.
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2004. „The social and economic significance of housing management.” Housing in South Eastern Europe: solving the puzzle of changes. 21-35. Paris: Council of Europe Development Bank and World Bank.
Tosics, I. and Hegedüs, J. 2003. „Housing in South-Eastern Europe.” Lowe, S. and Tsenkova, S. eds. Housing Change in East and Central Europe Integration or Fragmentation? Chapter 2: 21-44. Ashgate.
Hegedüs, J. 2003. „Decentralisation and structural adjustment in Hungary.” Brillantes, A., Ilago, S., Santiago, E. and Esden, B. eds. Decentralisation and Power Shift. 461-495.
Hegedüs, J. and Teller, N. 2003. Executive Summary on the Report of „Management of the Housing Stock in South-Eastern Europe.”
Erdösi, S.; J. Hegedüs and E. Somogyi: Is private rental an option for urban housing provision in Hungary? Journal of Housing and Built Environment Volume 15 No. 3, 2000 pp. 267-291.
Tosics, I. 2003. „Comparative Perspectives on Urban Housing Conditions.” Lowe, S. and Tsenkova, S. eds. Housing Change in East and Central Europe Integration or Fragmentation? Chapter 5: 73-80. Ashgate.
Tosics, I. 2002. „Measuring and Evaluating Transition: The Blessing and Curse of Indicators.” Transition Newsletter. The Newsletter about reforming economies. The World Bank in collaboration with Stockholm School of Economics, The William Davidson Institute. 13(3) May-June.
Hegedüs, J. 2002. „Housing Finance in South-Eastern Europe.” report prepared for the Council of Europe.
Tosics, I. 2001. „The Mass give-away – lessons learnt from the privatisation of housing in central and eastern Europe.” Eurocities Magazine, Autumn 2001(14): 15-16.
Hegedüs J . and É. Várhegyi 2000. The Crisis in Housing Financing in the 1990s in Hungary. Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No. 9, 1610-1641.
Gerőházi, É., Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 2000. „The dilemmas of restructuring the Social Rental Sector in Hungary.” Lux, M. ed. Social Housing in Europe 2000. Praha: Instittue of Sociology.
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1998. „Rent Reform – Issues for the Countries of Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States.” Housing Studies 13(5): 657-678. September.
Hegedüs, J – Tosics, I, 1998: ‘Towards New Models of the Housing System’ In: György Enyedi (ed) Social Change and Urban Restructuring in Central Europe. Akadémiai, Budapest, 1998
Tosics, I. 1998. „European integration and the East-Central European ‘outsiders’.” Kleinmann, M., Matznetter, W. and Stephens, M. eds. European Integration and Housing Policy. Part IV. Chapter 15: 275-299. London and New York: Routledge.
Tosics, I. 1997. „Habitat II conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, June 1996.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 21(2).
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1996. „East-Central European Urban and Housing Indicators System.” The Urban Age, August.
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1996. „Disintegration of the East-European Housing Model.” Clapham, D., Hegedüs, J., Kintrea, K. and Tosics I. eds, with Helen Kay. Housing Privatization in Eastern Europe. Westport, Connecticut; London: Greenwood Press.
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1996. „Housing in Transition.” Balchin, P. ed. Housing Policy in Europe. 244-272. London; New York: Routledge.
Hegedüs, J., Mark, K. and Tosics, I. 1996. „Hungarian Housing in Transition.” Struyk, R. ed. Economic Restructuring in the Former Soviet Bloc: The Case of Housing, Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press.
Hegedüs, J., Mayo, Stephen E. and Tosics, I. 1996. „Transition of the Housing Sector in the East Central European Countries.” Rewiew of Urban & Regional Development Studies 8: 101-136
Hegedüs, J., Mark, K., Struyk, R. and Tosics, I. 1993. „Local Options for Transforming the Public Rental Sector. Empirical Results from Two Cities in Hungary.” Cities 10(3): 257-271.
Hegedüs J. – Tosics I.(1991): ‘Gentrification in Eastern Europe: The case of Budapest’ In: Urban Housing for the Better-Off: Gentrification in Europe’ , Jan van Weesep and Sako Musterd (eds), Stedelijke Netwerken, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1991, pp. 124-136
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1993. “Housing indicators in transitional economies: a new tool for policy making. The Hungarian housing indicators program intensive survey.” The Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 8(1): 85-95.
Hegedüs J (1992).: ‘Self help housing in Hungary’ in: Beyond Self-Help Housing Kosta Matey (ed.) Profil Verlag, München ,pp. 217-231
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1992. „Conclusion: Past Tendencies and Recent Problems of the East European Housing Model.” Turner, B., Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. The Reform of Housing in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Routledge.
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1991. „Filtering in Socialist Housing Systems. Results of Vacancy Chain Surveys in Hungary.” Urban Geography 12(1): pp. 19-34.
Hegedüs, J., Struyk, R. and Tosics, I. 1991. „Integrating State Rental Housing with the Private Market. Designing housing allowances for Hungary.” Urban Institute Report 91-7. Washington, D.C.
Hegedüs J. – Tosics I. (1990): ‘Moving away from the Socialist Housing Model (The Changing Role of Filtering in Hungarian Housing) in “Government and Housing”, edited by Jan Van Weesep and Willem Van Vliet, Sage, 1990, pp 242-259
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1990. „Hungarian Housing Finance, 1983-1990. A failure of housing reform.” Housing Finance International, August, 1990
Hegedüs J.(1988): ‘Inequalities in East European cities: A reply to Iván Szelényi‘ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 12 Number 2 March 1988.
Hegedüs J. (1987): ‘Reconsidering the roles of the state and the market in socialist housing systems‘ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 11 (1) , pp. 79-97
Hegedüs J. – Tosics I.(1983): ‘Housing classes and housing policy: some changes in the Budapest housing market.’ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Dec 7:467-494
Urban development and municipal finance
Tosics, I, 2023: Visegrád 4 cities in the implementation of Next Generation EU – a lost opportunity? In: Ricardo Martinez and Pietro Reviglio (eds.) Urban Recovery Watch. Empowering Cities in the EU Green and Digital Transition. CIDOB Monographs 87, Barcelona December 2023. https://www.cidob.org/en/
Tosics, I, 2023: Capital cities in captivity of their national governments EURA Conversation #57. October 2023 https://eura.org/conversation-
Tosics, I, 2020: Metropolitan areas under the pandemic. Article on URBACT Knowledge Hub 17 September 2020
Tosics, I. – Sanabria, M. – Adams, E. 2020: How are cities implementing placed-based approaches? Porto City Lab paper. URBACT Knowledge Hub, September 2020
Tosics, I, 2020: Cities against the pandemic. FEPS COVID Response Papers #6. July 2020
Tosics, I, 2020: Urban poverty and the pandemic. Article on URBACT Knowledge Hub 14 May 2020
Bressaud, S – Patti, D – Tosics, I, 2019: The Local Pact: a new approach for tackling urban poverty. Policy Paper. Commissioned by the URBACT Secretariat as a Capitalisation Activity within the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Urban Poverty. December 2019
Full version is available here.
Tosics, I. 2019: Towards metropolitan collaboration in urban areas. In: URBACT The Blog. October 2019.
Tosics, I. 2019: Post-Socialist City. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. April 2019.
Gerőházi, É – Tosics, I, 2019: Győr. How to compete with capital cities. European Investment Bank City transformed 2018 © European Investment Bank, 2019. http://www.eib.org/en/infocentre/publications/all/city-transformed-gyor.htm
Tosics, I (2018) New urban planning: long-lasting innovation or just a temporary illusion? / Planification urbaine innovante: innovation longue durée, ou bien simple illusion temporaire? In: la revue urbanisme, no 66, December 2018 (in EN and FR languages)
Tosics, I (2018) The Urban Dimension of the EU Cohesion Policy and Beyond. In: Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 167-177 http://www.co-plan.org/en/urban-dimension-of-the-eu-it/
Iván Tosics (2019): New Urban Planning: Long-lasting innovation or just a temporary illusion? // Planification urbaine innovante: Innovation longue durée, ou bien simple illusion temporaire ? Article in English and French in Urbanisme 66., special issue on URBACT.
Gerőházi, Éva – Tosics, Iván (2019): Győr: How to compete with capital cities? European Investment Bank – cities, transformed. Available in English, German, French, and Hungarian on the website of European Investment Bank.
Gerőházi, Éva – Tosics, Iván (2018): Addressing the metropolitan challenge in Barcelona Metropolitan Area. Lessons from five European metropolitan areas: Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Greater Manchester, Stuttgart and Zürich. Barcelona: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Gerőházi, Éva – Tosics, Iván (2018): Case Studies of Five Metropolitan Areas: Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Greater Manchester, Stuttgart and Zürich. Appendix to the study “Addressing Metropolitan Challenges in Barcelona Metropolitan Area”. Barcelona: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Szemző, Hanna (2017): Caught between the public and the private: Urban cooperative solutions in Central Europe, in Patti and Polyák (eds.): Funding the Cooperative City: Community Finance and the Economy of Civic Spaces. Cooperative City Books, Vienna, 2017, pp. 28-36
Tosics, Iván (2017): The Metropolitan Challenge in Europe. In: Smart Metropolia 2017. Przestrzenije relacji. Obszar Metropolitalny. Gdansk Gdynia Sopot. Wdrazanie Agendy Miejskiej Unii Europejskiej.
Tosics, I. (2017): Dilemmas around Urban Growth and Density? A Focus on Vienna’s Aspern Seestadt. In: Batosta, A – Kovács, Sz, – Lesky, C (eds) Rethinking Density. Art, Culture and Urban Practices. Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna , Vol 20. Sternberg Press, Berlin
Pauleit, S.; Hansen R.; Rall E-L; Zölch T.; Andersson, E.; Luz, A-C; Szaraz, L.; Tosics, I. and Vierikko, K. (2017) Urban Landscapes and Green Infrastructure. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science. Subject: Environment and Human Health, Management and Planning Online Publication Date: Jun 2017 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.23
Tosics, I. (2017): ‘Hungary’, in M. Pareja and N. Winston (Eds) Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing: A Comparative European Perspective. London: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138911482.
Alexander P.N. Van Der Jagt, Birgit H.M. Elands, Bianca Ambrose-Oji, Éva Gerőházi, Maja Steen Møller And Marleen Buizer (2016): Participatory Governance of Urban Green Spaces: Trends and Practices in the EU – Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 3-2016, Thematic issue: governance
Tosics, I, 2016: Integrated Territorial Investment – A Missed Opportunity? In: Bachtler, J – Berkowitz, P – Hardy, S – Muravska, T (eds) EU Cohesion Policy. Reassessing performance and direction. London: Routledge. pp 284-296
Tosics, I, 2015: The European Demographic Challenge – Cities with Alternative Destinies. In: Demography and climate change. Studien zum Klimawandel in Österreich. Band X. Joanneum Research Policies. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschften Wien. pp.141-150
Tosics, I, 2015: Integrated Regeneration Of Deprived Areas And The New Cohesion Policy Approach. An URBACT contribution to the European Urban Agenda. URBACT, August 2015 In
English: http://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/20150909_urbact_deprived-areas_gb_md_1.pdf In French: http://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/urbact_ii_fr_pm1.pdf
Tosics, I, 2015: Housing renewal in Hungary: from socialist non-renovation through individual market actions to area-based public intervention. In: Turkington, R – Watson, C (eds) Renewing Europe’s housing. Policy Press, Bristol-Chicago. pp.161-186 part 1 – part 2.
Fedeli, V. – Tosics, I. 2014: Milan and Budapest: metropolitan policies for integrated development? City Futures III – Cities as strategic places and players in a globalized world, EURA – UAA – Urban Futures Conference, Paris.
Tosics, I, 2014: Art and the Regeneration of Deprived Public Spaces. In: Batista, Anamarija and Kovács, Szilvia and Lesky, Carina eds. Artistic Transformation Of The City Space. Stimulation of the sensual sphere
Tosics, I, 2014: Functional urban areas around European cities. Associaton of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) 2014 conference, Utrecht.
Nilsson, Kjell et al., Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development and Urban-Rural Linkages, Research briefings, March 2014, European Journal of Spatial Development.
Kovács, Z – Tosics, I, 2014: Urban Sprawl On The Danube: The Impacts Of Suburbanization In Budapest. In: Stanilov, K – Sykora, L (eds) Confronting Suburbanisation, Urban Decentralization in Post-Socialist Central and Eastern Europe. Studies in Urban and Social Change, Wiley Blackwell Publishing, pp.33-64
Tosics, I. – Gerőházi, É., 2013: Metropolitan Areas in Action (MAIA): Analysis of European cities. Metropolitan Research Institute.
Colini, L., Czischke, D., Güntner S., Tosics, I. and Ramsden, P. 2013. „Against divided cities in Europe.”
Tosics, I. 2013. „Sustainable land use in peri-urban areas: government, planning and financial instruments.” In: Nillson, K., Pauleit, S., Bell, S., Aalbers, C. and Nielsen, T.S. (eds.) Peri-urban futures: Scenarios and models for land use change in Europe. Springer. pp. 373-404
Tosics, I. 2013. „From Socialism to Capitalism: The Social Outcomes of the Restructuring of Cities.” In: Carmon, N. és Fainstein, S. (eds.) Policy, Planning, and People. Promoting Justice in Urban Development. Univresity of Pennsylvania Press.
Ekés, A – Gerőházi, É – Gertheis, A – Hegedüs, J –Tosics, I – Tönkő, A (2013) The state of the Western subregion’s cities. In: The state of European cities in transition 2013. Taking stock after 20 years of reform. UN Habitat, Nairobi – IRM, Krakow
Tosics, I. 2012. „The Chinese urban development dilemma: heritage and green areas as victims of rapid urbanization.” In: Mazowsze Studia Regionalne nr 9/2012, Warszawa, pp. 87-100
Gerőházi, É., Hegedüs, J., Szemző, H., Tomay, K. és Tosics, I. 2012. „The impact of European demographic trends on regional and urban development.” In: Cristina Martinez-Fernandez, C., Kubo, N., Noya, A. és Weyman, T. (eds.) Demographic Change and Local Development: Shrinkage, Regeneration and Social Dynamics. ISSN 2079-4797 OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Working Paper Series.
Tosics I, 2012: Housing and the State in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In: Susan J. Smith, Marja Elsinga, Lorna Fox O’Mahony, Ong Seow Eng,,Susan Wachter, Chris Hamnett, editors. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Vol 3. Oxford: Elsevier; 2012. pp. 355–362.
Tosics, I. 2011. „Governance challenges and models for the cities of tomorrow.” Issue paper prepared for the European Commission – DG Regional Policy for the Cities of Tomorrow programme. January 2011
Piorr, A., Ravetz, J. és Tosics, I. (eds.) 2011. „Peri-urbanisation in Europe: Towards a European Policy to sustain Urban-Rural Futures.” University of Copenhagen / Academic Books Life Sciences. 144 p. ISBN: 978-87-7903-534-8
Tosics, I. 2011. „Multilevel government systems in urban areas. Urban development and urban policies in EU Member States.” In: Grisel, M. and van de Waart, F. (eds.) Multilevel Urban Governance or the Art of Working Together. EUKN.
Tosics, I. 2011. „The European Demographic Challenge: Urban Problems and Responses” In: Urban Governance in the EU. Current Challenges and Future Prospects. Committee of the Regions, pp. 159-168
Gerőházi, É., Hegedüs, J., Szemző, H., Tosics, I., Tomay, K. és Gere, L. 2011. „The impact of European demographic trends on regional and urban development.” Synthesis report. Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Budapest, April 2011.
Tosics, I. 2010. „The approach of Budapest to the European Union: The Europeanization of a post-socialist city.” Hamedinger, A. and Wolffhardt, A. eds. The Europeanization of Cities – Policies, Urban Change & Urban Networks. 127-144. Amsterdam: Techne Press.
Gerőházi Éva – Somogyi Eszter – Tosics, Iván: How to tackle extreme deprivation and socio-spatial segregation? Policy efforts and their results in Hungary. Urban Research and Practice Vol. 2, No. 2, July 2009, 206-217
Vranken, J – Tosics, I: Towards an ‘Urban OMC’. Paper prepared for the Trio Presidency of the European Union. Manuscript, November 2009.
Hegedüs, J. 2008. „A nagyvárosi kormányzatok és az önkormányzati rendszer.” Tér és Társadalom XXII(1): 159–176.
Tosics, I. 2008. „Nagyvárosi kormányzás: a város és környéke együttműködése. Külföldi példák és a hazai relevancia.” Tér és Társadalom XXII(1): 3-25.
Horváth, D. and Teller, N. 2008. „An Urban Regeneration Model: Local Community Participation in Neighborhood Rehabilitation, Planning, and Implementation in Budapest’s Eighth District Magdolna Quarter.” LGB Summer 2008: Beyond Elections – Public Participation and Local Decision-making in Central and Eastern Europe. 47-52. Budapest: OSI/LGI.
Hegedüs, J. 2007. „Large City Administration.” Ebel, R. and Péteri, G. eds. The Kosovo Decentralization Briefing Book. 227-237. Budapest: Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) and Local Governmnet and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI).
Somogyi, E. Szemző, H. and Tosics, I. 2007. „Városrehabilitáció kétszintű önkormányzati rendszerben: budapesti sikerek és problémák.” Enyedi Gy. szerk. A történelmi városközpontok átalakulásának társadalmi hatásai. Budapest: MTA Társadalomkutató Központ.
Tosics, I. 2007. „Budapest: lemarad vagy lekörözi?” Budapesti Negyed XV(2): 115-123.
Tosics, I. 2007. „City-regions in Europe: the potentials and the realities.” Town Planning Review 78(6): 775-796.
Hegedüs, J. and Papp, M. 2007. Impact of Decentralisation on Public Service Provision. Case of Water Sector. Manuscript. Budapest: MRI.
Hegedüs, J. and Tönkő, A. 2007. „Az önkormányzati gazdasági társaságok szerepe a helyi önkormányzatok vagyongazdálkodásában.” Vígvári, A. szerk. A családi ezüst — Tanulmányok az önkormányzati vagyongazdálkodás témaköréből. 67-94. KszK ROP 3.1.1. Budapest.
Tosics, I. 2006. „A nagyvárosok fenntartható fejlődése és Budapest jövőképe.” Bulla M. és Tamás P. szerk. Fenntartható fejlődés Magyarországon. Stratégiai kutatások – Magyarország 2015. 5. kötet: 420-443. Budapest: Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó.
Tosics, I. 2006. „Spatial restructuring in post-socialist Budapest.” Tsenkova, S. és Nedović-Budić, Z. eds. The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe. Space, Institutions and Policy. Chapter 7: 131-150. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
Tosics, I. 2006. „Territorial cohesion in an enlarged Europe.” Pedrazzini, L. ed. The process of territorial cohesion in Europe. DIAP, Politecnico di Milano.
Hegedüs, J. 2006. „Fiscal and functional decentralization of the Capital City of Belgrade.” Policy paper. Prepared under the contract with PALGO Center. Budapest Metropolitan Research Institute.
Tosics, I. 2006. „Élhető vagy működő város?” Városi Közlekedés (5).
Knorr-Siedow, T. and Tosics, I. 2005. „Knowledge management and enhanced policy application.” van Kempen, R., Dekker, K., Hall, S. and Tosics, I. eds. Restructing large housing estates in Europe. Chapter 16: 321-340. Great Britain: The Policy Press, University of Bristol.
Tosics, I. 2005. „City Development in Central and Eastern Europe Since 1990: the Impact of Internal Forces.” Hamilton, F.E.I., Dimitrovska-Andrews, K. and Pichler-Milanović, N. eds. Transformation of cities in Central and Eastern Europe: towards globalization. 44-78. Tokyo, New York: The United Nations University Press.
Tosics, I. 2005. „Metropolitan cooperation as a precondition for international competitiveness. Special difficulties in preparing post-socialist cities for international competition: The case of Budapest.” Giffinger, R. ed. Competition between Cities in Central Europe: Opportunities and Risks of Cooperation. 78-88. Bratislava: Road.
Tosics, I. 2005. „Post-socialist Budapest: The invasion of market forces and the response of public leadership.” Hamilton, F.E.I., Dimitrowska-Andrews, K., Pichler-Milanović, N. eds. Transformation of cities in central and Eastern Europe: Towards globalization. 248-280. The United Nations University Press.
Tosics, I. and Dukes, T. 2005. „Urban Development Programmes in the Context of Public Administration and Urban Policy.” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie: 96(4): 390- 408. Oxford, UK and Malden USA: BlackweIl Publishing Ltd.
Dekker, K., Hall S., van Kempen, R. and Tosics, I. 2005. „Restructuring large housing estates in European cities: an introduction.” van Kempen, R., Dekker, K., Hall, S. and Tosics, I. eds. Restructing large housing estates in Europe. Chapter 1: 1-17. Great Britain: The Policy Press, University of Bristol.
Murie, A., Tosics, I., Aalbers, M., Sendi, R. and Černič Mali, B. 2005. „Privatisation and after.” van Kempen, R., Dekker, K., Hall, S. and Tosics, I. eds. Restructing large housing estates in Europe. Chapter 5: 85-104. Great Britain: The Policy Press, University of Bristol.
Szemző H. and Tosics I. 2005. „Hungary.” van Kempen, R., Vermeulen, M. and Baan, A. eds. Urban Issues and Urban Policies in the New EU Countries. Chapter 3: 37-60. The Netherland: Euricur. Ashgate.
Szemzo, H – Tosics, I 2004: “National Urban Policies in the New EU countries: Responses to Urban Issues in Hungary” In abbreviated form published in: National Urban Policies in the European Union. Cities in the New EU Countries. Position, Problems, Policies. KPMG, Universiteit Utrecht. Amstelveen, 2004.
“Sustainable Development and Economic Competitiveness in Metropolitan Regions. A Perspective from an Accession Country.” In: Territorial Cohesion. Meeting new challenges in an enlarged EU. Report of Conference organised in Galway, during the Irish Presidency, 25-27 May 2004.
Tosics, I. 2004. „Elképzelés az átmeneti zóna és a barnaövezet jövőjére a Budapesti Városfejlesztési Koncepciójában és a kidolgozás alatt álló Középtávú Városfejlesztési Programjában.” Barta Gy. szerk. A budapesti barnaövezet megújulási esélyei. 327-344. Budapest: MTA Társadalomkutató Központ.
Tosics, I. 2004. „European Urban Development: Sustainability and the Role of Housing.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 19(1): 67-90.
Tosics, I. 2004. „Városi fenntarthatóság és Budapest Városfejlesztési Koncepciója.” Világváros vagy világfalu? Önkormányzati szakanyag: 21-37. Budapest: Független Ökológiai Központ.
Teller, N. and Temesi, I. 2004. „Municipality Management: Variety of Solutions.” How to Improve Development on Local Level? FES.
Hegedüs, J. 2004. „Financing Local Public Services.” How to Improve Development on Local Level? FES.
Tosics, I. 2003. „Comparative Perspectives on Urban Housing Conditions.” Lowe, S. and Tsenkova, S. eds. Housing Change in East and Central Europe Integration or Fragmentation? Chapter 5: 73-80. Ashgate.
Rudolf Giffinger, Johannes Wimmer, Hans Kramar, Hanna Szemző, Ivan Tosics, 2003: “Sozialvertragliche Stadtentwicklung im Stadtewettbewerb. Stadtentwicklungspolitik am Beispiel von Wien und Budapest.” Wiener Beitrage zur Regionalwissenchaft, 18. Institut für Stadt- und Regionalforschung, Technische Universitat Wien. 2003.
Hegedüs, J. 2003. „Financing Public Services on the Local Level: Charging Development Cost, User Charges and Supporting Low Income Groups.” Reforms of Public Services. Experiences of Municipalities and Regions in South-East Europe. FES.
Teller, N. 2003. „Mórahalom – Case study.” Economic Development on the Local and Regional Level. Initatives in South-East Europe. FES.
Teller, N. and Somogyi, E. 2003. „Public Services in Hungary.” Reforms of Public Services. Experiences of Municipalities and Regions in South-East Europe. FES.
Hegedüs, J. and Tönkő, A.
(These editions have been published by LGI)
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 1, Sector Background, 2002
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 2, Monitoring, 2002
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 3, Performance Measurement, 2002
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 4, Price Setting And Revenue Administration, 2002
ERRA/LGI Training Material No. 5, Meeting Low-income Consumers’ Needs, 2002
Teller, N. 2002. „Conflicts between Legislature and Executive at Local Level in Hungary.” Executive and Legislature at Local Level. Structure and Interrelation in Countries of South-East Europe. FES.
Teller, N. 2002. „Local Self-Goverment and Ethnic Minorities in Hungary.” National Minorities in South-East Europe. Legal and Social Status at Local Level. FES.
Gerőházi, É. 2002. „A szuburbanizáció jelensége és a budapesti agglomeráció.” Budapest: Városkutatás Kft.
Tosics, I 2002: “Measuring and Evaluating Transition: The Blessing and Curse of Indicators”. In: Transition Newsletter. The Newsletter about reforming economies. The World Bank in collaboration with Stockholm School of Economics, The William Davidson Institute. Volume 13. Number 3, May-June 2002
Tosics, I. 2001. „The Dilemmas of Strategic Planning in Central European Cities: Examples of Vienna and Budapest.” Talyigás, K. and Vajdovich-Visy, E. eds. Fighting Poverty Together. The Budapest International Workshop. Budapest: Social Innovation Foundation.
Balás, G. 2001. „A helyi források szerepe az önkormányzati fejlesztésekben (The role of local revenues in the investment of local governments).” Magyar Közigazgatás. August 2001.
Balás, G. and Hegedüs, J. 2001. „Local Self-government and Decentralization in Hungary.” Prepared for: the workshop of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung “Local Self-government Systems in South Estern Europe” in Zagreb, March 2001.
Tönkő, A. with Nayyar-Stone, Ritu. 2000. „Initiating Program Budgeting in Hungary.” Government Finance Review. April 2000.
Tosics, I. 2000. “Strategies of city development policy and urban development planning in Budapest.” Forum Raumplanung 2000(1). Wien: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Raumplanung, ÖGR.Gerőházi, É. 2000. „A szuburbanizáció regionális programja.” Budapest: Városkutatás Kft.
Balás, G. and Hegedüs, J. 1999. „Intergovernmental Transfers in the Municipality of Budapest.” Kopányi, M., Daher, S. E., Wetzel, D. et. al. eds.) Hungary – Subnational Modernization Challenges. WBI.
Balás, G. and Kovács, R. 1999. „Potential for the Introduction of a Value Based Property Tax in Hungary.” Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration, 1999(2).
Gurenko, E., Hegedüs, J. and Kovács, R. 1999. „Local Management in Hungary: Fiscal and Structural Adjustment at the Local Level in the Context of Economic Transition.” World Bank Research Paper.
Hegedüs, J. 1999. „Hungarian Local Governments.” Kirchner, Emil J. ed. Decentralization and Transition in the The Visegrad. 132-159. Macmillan Publishers.
Hegedüs, J. 1999. „Off-budget Revenues and Expenditures Challenge Sub-national Finances.” Kopányi, M., Daher, S. E., Wetzel, D. et. al. eds.) Hungary – Subnational Modernization Challenges. WBI.
Tosics, I. 1998. European Integration and the East-Central European ‘outsiders’, in Mark Kleinman, Walter Matznetter and Mark Stephens (eds.): European Integration and Housing Policy, London and New York. Routledge.
Pallai, K – Tosics, I 1998: ‘Budapest. Gestaltung einer Grossstadt’ In: Werk, Bauen+Wohnen, Nr. 10 Oktober 1998:22-44
Tönkő, A. 1997. The Municipal System of Japan. Autonómia, 1997 December.
Hegedüs, J – Tosics, I, 1991: “Gentrification in Eastern Europe: the case of Budapest” In: Urban Housing for the Better Off: Gentrification in Europe. Eds: Jan Van Weesep and Sako Musterd. Stedelijke Netwerken, 1991
Tosics, I. 1988. “Inequalities in East European cities: can redistribution ever be equalizing and if so, why should we avoid it? A reply to Iván Szelényi.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 12(1): 133-136.
Hegedüs, J. and Tosics, I. 1985. „Budapest Általános Rendezési Tervének előzményei (1932-1955).” Budapest Főváros Levéltára Közleményei 84. Különlenyomat. Budapest.
Ekés, A. 2009. „Szarajevó villamosai.” Indóház. 64-69.
Ekés, A. 2009. „Városfejlesztési szemmel a közlekedésről – egyensúly, vagy dominancia?” Városi Közlekedés (1).
Ekés, A. and Gertheis, A. 2013. „Elgurult kerekek.” Budapest (2).